20 Questions

Selenium with java Quiz

1 :-

Which of the below parameter can be used to run test parallelly in TestNG?

2 :-

Select correct option for creating constructor in Java

3 :-

Which command creates a copy of an existing git repository.

4 :-

Which of the following is a type of polymorphism in Java Programming?

5 :-

What does assertTitle checks?

6 :-

What is Maven?

7 :-

Which is the odd one out?

8 :-

Is the findelements method and findelement method both are same in selenium?

9 :-

Which type of wait command waits for a certain amount of time before it throws an exception?

10 :-

Choose worst option while designing an automation framework

11 :-

Choose the correct approach of creating strings in Java

12 :-

Select command which is used to pause execution until specified element becomes present

13 :-

Which of the below is not a valid Maven command

14 :-

Which of the below is not supported in Java

15 :-

Which GIT command is used to move code to remote repository?

16 :-

Which method in Java is used to break words in sentence with whitespace.

17 :-

Which collection can be used if we have key and value pair?

18 :-

Which of the following is the correct syntax for XPath?

19 :-

Which of the below is not a valid function to terminate an active browser

20 :-

Which of the following is the correct syntax to use Select class?

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