1 :-
A keyword
2 :-
What is true about Object-Oriented Programming in Python?
3 :-
What is the expected output of the following snippet?
i = 5
while i>0
i = i //2
if i % 2 = 0
else :
i + = 1
print (i)
4 :-
What is the expected behavior of the following code?
the _ list = “alpha ; beta; gamma”.split (":")
the string ='' .join(the _list)
print (the_string.isaplpha())
5 :-
What arithmetic operators cannot be used with strings in Python?
6 :-
Which of the following statements are true?
7 :-
Assuming that the V variable holds an integer value to 2, which of the following operators should be used instead of OPER to make the expression equal to 1?
8 :-
The following expression
1 +-2
9 :-
Python’s built in function named open () tries to open a file and returns:
10 :-
my _ list = [ i for i in range ( 5)]
m= [ my list [i] for i in range ( 4, 0,-1)] if my _ list [i] & 2 !==0]
print (m)
11 :-
What will be the value of the i variable when the while e loop finishes its execution?
i = 0
While i ! = 0 :
i = i-i
i = i + 1
12 :-
8. The default value of "position" attribute is _________.
13 :-
14. Which of the following HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?
14 :-
Which of the following lines of code will work flawlessly when put independently inside the add_new() method in order to make the snippet’s output equal to [0, 1, 2]?
class my class:
def ___ init___(self, size):
self.queue = [ i for i in range( size )]
def get ( self ):
return self . queue
def get ___ last( self):
return self . queue[-1]
def add new ( self):
# insert the line of code here
object = my class 2
object . add_ new()
print ( object. get())
15 :-
m = 0
def foo (n):
global m
assert m ==0
try :
return 1/n
except arithmeticerror:
m +=1
foo (0)
except arithmetic error
m +=2
except :
16 :-
Assuming that the following piece of code has been executed successfully, which of the expressions evaluate to True?
class A:
vara = 1
def ____init ____( self) :
self . Prop___ a = 1
class B ( A):
vara = 2
def ____init____( self):
super ().___int____()
self. Prop___ b= 2
obj __a =A()
obj__aa =A ()
obj__b = B ()
obj__bb =obj__b
17 :-
What can you deduce from the line below?
x= a.b.c.f ()
18 :-
What is the output of the following piece of code?
a = ‘ ant ’
b ="bat"
print (a,b,c,sep='"')
19 :-
Python strings can be “glued" together using the operator:
20 :-
A class constructor
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